1st October 2020


As part of Epichealth’s response to the COVID-19 crisis, we have developed a new telehealth service to enable our patients to see their regular GP for health care remotely from the safety and isolation of their own home or workplace. This service will help minimise the spread of COVID-19, providing significant individual and public health benefits for our local community.

Due to a reduction of medicare rebates for Telehealth from the 1st of October we have had to introduce private fees for our Telehealth service. Payment for Telehealth consultation will be taken at the time of booking. We are able to Bulk Bill Under 16s, Pensioners and Health Care card holders. Patients must have visited our clinic in person in the past 12 months for the Telehealth consultation to attract a medicare rebate OR be in quarantine OR be unwell and staying home due to being symptomatic.

Telehealth consultations do not need to be specifically about Coronavirus, they can be about any matter affecting your health where you would ordinarily see your GP. If you require prescriptions, specialist referrals, medical certificates or pathology request forms as a result of a telehealth consultation, these can be faxed, emailed, picked up or will be posted to your home.

You may be required to visit the clinic for a physical appointment for some health conditions. This will be assessed and directed by your GP during your Telehealth appointment.

How to Book a Telehealth Consult

To book a telehealth consult, or to book a regular in-clinic consultation with your usual GP, please call us or CLICK HERE

Once you have booked your appointment our reception staff will contact you to confirm the available technology method. We ask that you be logged on, in a confidential location, ready for the GP to contact you 5 minutes prior to your appointment time.